Weak Theology

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Weak Theology is a term invented by a postmodern theologian to describe how he wanted to think of God. Not to be confused with the mathematical term "weak topology" which is a valid and significant study of dual vector spaces, weak theology appropriately reflects the intellect of its chief exponent even if it doesn't say much about God that is true or hasn't already been said in a deeper context before. (Not happy with the transcendence of God? Then join the ranks of the weak-minded theologians.)

Of course, if you're looking for a serious discussion of the term weak theology in the context of the postmodern program of deconstructing (or, more to the point, forgetting, obfuscating or confusing) theology, you can do worse than to read the short note in Wikipedia. If, however, you're looking for a source of ideas to meditate on how such an area of study arises in the imagination of man, you can do worse than to read the historical books of the bible while listening to Paul Simon's "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover."